

发布时间:2024-03-01 信息来源:

  cgtn:future of energy: china"s hualong-1 nuclear power units advance green, other key infrastructure


  china"s domestically developed third-generation nuclear power technology, hualong-1, is bolstering energy infrastructure and advancing green development both in the country and beyond. zheng yibing has the details.

  china is building hualong-1 power units in batch, following its successful commercial launch three years ago.

  zheng yibing beijing "this big screen shows various construction sites of hualong-1, one of the world"s most advanced nuclear power designs. hualong-1 features the latest safety measures. and it"s becoming a major new force in improving energy infrastructure in china and elsewhere."

  the chairman of the china national nuclear engineering corporation says the first hualong-1 units in china and pakistan are operating successfully, and plans are now underway to build an additional five units in china.

  xu pengfei chairman, china national nuclear engineering corporation "hualong-1 represents a collaborative effort at innovation. thousands of companies in the industrial chain have been united in research and development to make technological breakthroughs."

  visiting the fuqing power plant in southeast china"s fujian province, i toured key sections of the first unit.

  zheng yibing fuqing, fujian province "this is the main control room of this power unit. and the staff here are busy working."

  staff say the unit has completed the very first phase of its commercial operations, and they"re pursuing excellence in operational safety to meet assessments by the world association of nuclear operators, known as wano.

  the power units are key to shaping the nation"s energy landscape and advancing green development goals.

  each hualong-1 unit boasts an installed capacity of more than 1.1 million kilowatts, generating nearly 10 billion kilowatts of electricity annually equivalent to the production and demand of one million people in medium-sized developed countries. this translates to annual reductions in standard coal consumption by more than 3.1 million tons, and carbon emissions by over 8.1 million.

  and, hualong-1 units are also becoming part of an integrated plan for green energy.

  zheng yibing fuqing, fujian province "from this side of fuqing power plant, we can see there is a sea water monitoring station and wind power generators in the distance, which means they want to use new energies to reduce the carbon emission."

  xu pengfei chairman, china national nuclear engineering corporation "it helps china address energy shortages and makes contributions as a new productive force."

  xu pengfei says one of the key features of hualong-1 is that it"s developed with the digital transformation in mind and features smarter features with a safer operating system. in the next two years, new power units are set to be delivered with a more comprehensive digital design. zheng yibing, cgtn, beijing.
